Old Spanish Days – Fiesta

Santa Barbara, CA. July 30 - August 3, 2025

The Reimagined Fiesta Caravan Parade will not go on as planned

Friday, August 07, 2020 from 12:00 PM to 02:00 PM

The Fiesta Spirit lives in the heart.

As we have done from the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, Old Spanish Days (OSD) continues to make decisions that are in the best interest of public health and safety.  To that end, we are not going to proceed with our small but spirited reimagined Fiesta caravan car parade that was scheduled for Friday, August 7.   

The reimagined Fiesta parade was carefully planned and coordinated alongside city officials in the hopes of bringing Fiesta cheer to our community in a safe and distanced way.  The route would have traversed 19+ miles and featured 20 historic convertible cars and trolleys escorted by city police. The public was encouraged to stay at home and wave at the caravan at a safe distance.   

OSD Parade organizers were told by County and City Officials on Tuesday afternoon that a parade could potentially cause people to gather which would be in violation of County Health Orders and should be reconsidered.    

Our priority is, and will always be, our beloved community of Santa Barbara. Old Spanish Days is proud to be an integral part of what makes our community special and we cherish our special bond with generations of local families and those who come to celebrate each year.  Our wish is that Santa Barbara stays safe, healthy and keeps the Spirit of Fiesta alive in their hearts.  The joy of Fiesta will live on.  Viva la Fiesta!